came across this bit of history yesterday,
from 2007? 🕸️ the ‘bio’ from my first website
(which I typed, sewed and painted by hand on paper,
then brought to wizard friend Peter Hinson to
translate into a computer) ✨
I had only sold my work at stores or on
the street at that point.. the website was
like a beautiful mythical being in my mind.
This was before instagram, facebook,,
before Etsy (!!) before any of these freeways
were built. I had a couple friends working with
me back then, but the 4 designers thing was also
a bit of a mythical being.. I really didn’t want it to
be just me. I was a semi-irresponsible recluse, was
freaked out by the internet/ having an online identity/
‘selling’ myself.. & wanted more than anything to be
in a thriving posse of artists working together for a
beautiful cause.. Still something I’m moving towards
today, but with a more evolved awareness of how complex
work, art, people, health and collaboration can be.
I’ve learned quite alot in the last 12 years.
I definitely haven’t made very much money..
but I’ve become wealthy in many other ways :)
xo S