All posts by selene

a wedding dress for Michelle


finally finished with this one.. it’s heading to Texas soon



made with a variety of antique, hand-dyed lace, silk, cotton, velvets & eyelet.


no matter how many custom pieces i make, they still continue
to simultaneously challenge, enrapture & madden me~
i learn new things every time..


now i go to work on a full length tattered white lace wedding gown,
coincidentally also going to Texas..! :)

(work is love made visible)


a quick late night post of some recent pictures~


fabric gathering for a commission..


night shot of a wedding dress that’s almost finished




a dress i’ve been working on between the orders..


the lil muses in their natural habitat :)




firstly, the shop sale ends tonight at midnight..
if you’ve had yr eye on something, now is the time :)


this last week i’ve been just trying to get my bearings..
Bastian is doing much better! which is wonderful..
it’s nice to be out of the crazy fight or flight survival mode.
that was hard on both of us. 
now i’m working feverishly on a
couple wedding dresses.. & in the free moments trying to get a
few things 
that have been in orbit out of my head, and onto the sewing machine.



++ i’ve been doing quite a bit of mending for friends..
one of my favourite things~ these were originally made by
brilliant gibbous co-conspirator of old, Kevin, for our dear friend
Sean Lee (aka 1manbanjo).. i just patched them up & gave them
some new life before Sean departs on an adventure across the country.
i love the metamorphosis of garments as they’re worn & mended.
they feel like ancient maps


photo experiments. making veils.. raw turmeric & large amounts of tea.
moonrise kingdom! rainstorms, crochet dresses..
tea staining Everything. the lives of flowers. klimt,, frankincense. calcite & rose quartz.
sleep clutching crystals, surrounded by mountains of books + instruments..
letting things go and being quiet, patient. listening and making music.,
minimalism through a kaleidescope.. a balancing act of organization & free movement.
looking forward



shoots + muses



i’ve started making pictures with people again..
gathering up some longtime muses and some new ones,
to make beautiful photographs with.
it’s quite inspiring & exciting.. i sometimes forget that
these things i make, they belong on people :)
the new gibbous site (which is ALMost done) is going to
have a different style/format for the gallery.. so until it
launches, i’ll be posting the photo projects here in the diary.

these were taken a couple weeks ago with my dear friend Chains Isabella
the dress will be available in the shop sometime soon~















march has been an intense month..
my poor paw got hurt badly in the beginning.. had to make multiple hospital visits &
it all culminated in a horrible allergic reaction to antibiotics, landing me in the ER.
i couldn’t sew or do much of anything for a long time :(
after recovering there was about a week of sewing & feeling better before
my sweet kitty bastian got seriously sick & had to stay in the hospital for 4 days..
we were at one vet or another almost everyday for a week.
he is home now & getting better.. i am *so* thankful.
feeling really shaken though.. still trying to find my footing.
the only thing worse than being dangerously sick yourself,
is someone you love being in that situation.

thanks to everyone who has been supportive through this scare.. we really appreciate it~ <3


when bad things used to happen, i would just curse my luck & the unfairness of life.
these days i try very hard to find the lessons (even if it’s difficult) in hardships.
the last month has really made me aware of just how lucky i am,
we all are, in times of health + abundance. trying to be grateful every moment
of every day.. to truly appreciate the ones i love, and all the
brilliant qualities of life that are so easy to take for granted.

for the last week i’ve been sleeping in the studio, so i can
keep a close eye on Bastian as he heals. nested with the cats
amongst fabric piles, my gaze travels in half states of sleep..
taking in glimmers of all the beautiful, tattered treasures inhabiting the room.
it’s been really inspiring, in a new way.. seeing them in the dream states
of a restful mind.. accompanied by a chorus of purring.


lately it feels like the pace of transformation is quickening.
things fall away like old leaves & new ones grow up in their place.
realizing that some of the biggest changes in life build up slowly,
under the surface..  then unfold gracefully.
there isn’t a loud bang! or puff of magic smoke, but just out of sight, all the time,
tiny components are rearranging themselves for movement, growth..
i can feel it, hear it.. sometimes i almost catch it out of the corner of my eye.
it’s beautiful. & reassuring :)

a dress for Josephine

untitled-1-3i just finished this custom dress makeover, for Josephine in Germany..


it kind of reinforced a thought that’s been playing on repeat in my head lately..
that sometimes simple is better.


spent a lot of time just looking at this piece before stitching/adding things
& i really love how it turned out.


going to try and listen to that thought, & bring it into my work more..

shop sale for Bastian

untitled-1-64having a big sale in the shop to raise money for my lil prince, Bastian..
he got sick this weekend & we’ve had an intense time,
with numerous emergency hospital trips.


everything in the shop is 20-30% off til April 2nd.
thanks so much for your good thoughts & support.
